Colors play an important role in our life. Our color choices and preferences also based on your zodiac sign. Here we are going to disclose which color nail paint will suit you as per your zodiac sign.
# Aries
The best color nail paint for Aries is Maroon.
# Taurus
Sea Green is the color that suits those who share Taurus.
# Gemini
The best suitable color of nail paint for Gemini is Rose Pink.
# Cancer
Red is the color for cancer.
# Leo
The Lemon color is for Leo people.
# Virgo
Pale Pink is the color of your nail paint that best suits you.
# Libra
The Libra people put Royal Blue color for polishing nails.
# Scorpio
Purple is the color for all scorpions.
# Sagittarius
The best suit color for Sagittarius is Pear.
# Capricorn
The Capricorn can go for Fuchsia shade.
# Aquarius
Aqua Blue is the color for Aquarius people.
# Pisces
The Pieces can paint their nails with Peach.
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Disclaimer: Recommendations and suggestions above are generic in nature. Be advised to consult a registered certified trainer or aother professional before trying yourself.