Who doesn’t want to be rich? We all want that we should have a lot of money and property. Sometimes we also face difficulties in our life. If you are also very troubled by financial constraints or lack of money in your life, then adopt this simple solution.
On Tuesday night, you have to take 10 coins and 1 coins. Be careful not to note. Now light a lamp of ghee in front of Goddess Lakshmi and keep both the coins. And then join hands and pray 7 times to solve your problem. Now chant a mantra “Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya” 21 times. Then pick up both the coins from there and take it 11 times from the top of that ghee lamp.
The next day, donate these coins to a poor person. When that person spends these coins then the door of your luck will automatically open.
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Disclaimer: The information, recommendations and suggestions mentioned here are generic in nature. We advised you to consult a registered, certified trainer or professional before applying it.