Planting Tulsi plant in the house is considered auspicious in Sanatan Dharma. It is also said that the Tulsi plant has the power to eliminate negative energy. But if a person plants a Tulsi plant in the wrong direction in his house, then its effect will be reversed and that person will be engulfed in poverty and pauper. So let us know that in which direction planting a Tulsi plant in the house brings happiness and prosperity.
Tulsi plant should be planted in the east or north direction of the house only. Do not forget to plant Tulsi plant in the south or west direction. Tulsi plant planted in the south direction gives negative effect. This brings poverty and poverty in the house.
Keep in mind that in whatever pot the Tulsi plant is planted, do not plant any other plant there. Tulsi plant should always be planted alone.
According to the scriptures, if you worship Lord Shaligram in the Tulsi plant itself, then it will be auspicious. Tulsi leaves should also be used while making charanamrit. If you liked the information given above or this article, then please do follow / subscribe to us so that you will get the first such articles, information and news. Also, do like and share the news of your choice so that other people can also take advantage of it. If you have any question, then definitely ask us by commenting.
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