Know the importance of different fingers to apply Tilak

‘Tilak’ is of great importance in Hindu religion. Applying Tilak affects the health of the person from the health of the person. Today we are going to tell you the importance of making tilak with different fingers. So let’s know about it in detail.


Tilak with a thumb is auspicious. The thumb is seen by connecting with Venus. Venus is a symbol of your health and happiness. If you put tilak on a sick person regularly with a thumb, then the person becomes healthy in a few days.

Middle Finger

Middle finger represents the Saturn. Putting tilak with this finger will increase the respect of that person in the society and it brings good fortune for him or her. Tilak with this finger keeps the person healthy and financially strong.

Ring finger

Using the Ring finger the person’s command cycle wakes up by making a tilak. This gives the personal fame and prosperity. Tilak of any auspicious work is considered to be best with this finger.

Index finger

It is also mentioned in the scriptures that tilak from the index finger. The index finger is considered as Blissful. That is why the person who give up with this world, then he or she will use an index finger to put tilak. Even after the death, the index finger is being used for Tilak. For this reason, putting tilak with this finger is considered taboo in religious and social festivals.

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Disclaimer: Recommendations and suggestions above are generic in nature. Be advised to consult a certified trainer or another professional before trying yourself.


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