Repetition effect of characters in your name

For any person, his name is one of the most pleasant words in this world. Every individual either belong to any religion, at the gets a name at the time of birth which will become identity throughout their life. There is a naming ceremony in Hinduism, which ensures that by what name the individual identifies in society.


There are different practices for naming in the different religion. Somewhere it is based on numerology or on astrology. In Sikhism, the name is based on Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It is believed that repetition of alphabets in any individual name will impact either positively or negatively. Let us know the effect of duplicate characters in the name. To see the repetition, see an example such as EKAANSH has a repetition of twice of alphabet A.


Letter A, I, J, Q, Y

The repetition of these letters has shown that a particular person is a courageous and fearless nature. Such people are well-acquainted with the art of dominating others.


Letter B, K R

Such people are very emotional. They hurt very quickly with bitter words told by others. Such people are very artistic too and always keep ahead in helping others.


Letter C, G, L, S

Such people are very imaginative in nature. These people have lost in their own world. Such individuals are having lack self-confidence.


Letter D, M, T

Such people are very skilled and sharp minded. If such people start the business then they make a lot of money and get progress.

Letter E, H, N, X

Such people get success in their life very soon. Such people have received a lot of honor socially.


Letter U, V, W

Such people are very responsible in nature. These people are very romantic in their personal life.


Letter O, Z

Such people are very quiet nature. Such people do not like to be more social. They lost in their own world.


Letter P, F

Such people have very positive ideologies. For such people their home and family are paramount.


If there is a repetition of a letter seven or more times in the name of a person, then it is not considered auspicious. Such person has to face lots of difficulties in their life.


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Note: The above recommendations and suggestions are general in nature. Before applying it, consult a registered certified trainer or other professional consultant.


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