In Hinduism, Samudra Shastra has a special place. A person can come to know about the smallest thing in his life by the use of the ocean weapon. Along with this, accurate prediction of the future can also be done. It is believed that Lakshmi ji had narrated Samudra Shastra to Lord Vishnu. At the same time, Samudra Dev had also heard it and propagated it. That is why it is also called Samudra Shastra.
According to Samudra Shastra, if the crescent moon mark present on the nails of a person’s hands is very auspicious. The crescent moon on the fingernail of the ring finger is considered very auspicious. Such a person gets respect and respect in society. Also, such a person gets success in examinations. In future, such a person may also get some big reward.
Persons who have crescent-shaped marks on their middle finger, such a person gets a lot of success in business. Such a person is very skilled in the work of machines.
The person whose index finger has a crescent shape on the nails, such a person gets a lot of progress in life. Such a person gets success in whatever business and job he does.
The person who has a crescent shape on the thumbnails, that person is very intelligent and also has the ability to become a leader. Such people later become good orators and influence others as well.
If a crescent shape is formed on the nails of a person’s baby finger, then that is also auspicious. Such a person overcomes every problem of his life. The fate of these people is very strong. They rarely get sorrow in life.
If a crescent is present on every finger of a person and his finger is long, then such a person struggles in his life and moves forward and develops his abilities more. These people are believers in Karma.
Those people who do not have the mark of the crescent moon on any finger, are very angry nature. Although these people are very efficient in nature. They have to work less hard to get success in life.
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